A red dress.
"I don't have any rules, because I'd only be breaking them" Iris Apfel It is not a secret that my life's been quite the Tapestry, I guard my privacy whilst wearing my stories on my sleeve. I am in truth, always a reliable contradiction in terms. This year I made it...
Be the change you want to see…
ahatma Gandhi was truly onto something when he told people ‘You must be the change you wish to see in the world’ He made us the captains of our own destinies, no excuses. Quite simply ‘it’ starts with us.
400 kilos & counting…
As you read this I truly hope you had the most wonderful Easter weekend, here in the UK the sun shone so brightly it was hard to believe it was a Bank Holiday. As is my way I decided to get cracking with a project that has been waiting for the right time, energy &...
A chap called Darwin & a little rescue dog…
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change" Charles Darwin We live in interesting times and as the year draws to a close its always a thought provoking exercise to...